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Let's Make it a Tradition

This time last year, I was v.e.r.y pregnant, anxiously awaiting Amelia's arrival. I loved that she could be a Christmas baby - in fact, our original dating ultrasound estimated her due date as December 25th, which always felt so special to me.

From the moment I learned we'd be welcoming our first little one I thought of all the traditions we would have as a family. So, of course, I spared no time dreaming up traditions we could enjoy year after year. What went into my brainstorming? A couple things:

  • Is it something we could do with children that are different ages;

  • Can we keep it going each year;

  • and, is it simple!

Here's what I have in store for my family:

1. Cutting Down a Christmas Tree

This was the first tradition Arthur and I started the year we got engaged. My family didn't have many traditions growing up but I always remembered the years we had real Christmas trees. The smell, the size, the feeling of the needles. So now each year we head out to a local Christmas tree farm and cut down our own tree. It felt extra special knowing the tradition that was once mine and Arthur's was being continued with our daughter. This year, on what was likely the coldest day of the year so far, we visited Farm on Fifth, the loveliest farm close to our house.

2. Making Christmas Ornaments

I'll be honest, I'm a bit of a perfectionist. In particular, when it comes to decor. I like things that match and I like them to stay put. WELL, that's something I'm learning to let go of. I've traded in my lovely put together decor for things that tell our story. So we made up a batch of salt dough and made Amelia's first Christmas ornament ourselves. It was cost effective, fun, and memorable. Another great part of this tradition is sharing it with others. We invited a few friends and my sister to join us! This year, we made a 'mistletoe' with Amelia's feet - I know next year I'm going to get a little misty eyed looking at how small her feet were.

3. Baking Christmas Cookies

I've always loved hearing the stories about these epic baking days shared between mom, siblings, and friends. Although this year Amelia puttered around the kitchen with my cookie cutters while I whipped up batches of sugar cookies, I can see what this tradition holds in the future for us and I love it! I found the EASIEST cookie recipe that made keeping baking while keeping one eye on a very busy babe achievable. The recipe might have been easy but it did not lack in taste - it's alright to eat the less than perfect ones for breakfast during the holidays, right? On that note though, I'd love to try out a healthier cookie recipe next year.

4. A family present to open on Christmas Eve

I can't even wait! Another thing I always loved from my childhood was getting new pajamas on Christmas Eve. I love it even more when there are itty bitty baby pajamas involved. So I'm wrapping up a big box with Christmas Eve essentials for our family. In addition to pajamas for each of us, I'll be including a Christmas movie and a treat for us to share.

Looking for something simply to do? Check out 25 Days of Christmas Activities for the Entire Family for easy, day to day activities to do to get into the Christmas spirit.

That's it! I'll share pictures as the fun unfolds - stay tuned!

It's simple. I'm a mom, a wife, and a lifelong learner. I am an expert at nothing but am always in pursuit of deeper knowledge. As a mom, that's been no different. I want to share, learn, and explore life with my family in Niagara. 


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