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Morning Smoothie for Two

I'm not a big breakfast person. Well, in the sense that I don't really care for food when I first wake up not that I don't like (love) breakfast food. Anyways, moving on.

Since Amelia is almost one, she is eating more solids than formula at this point. This has forced me to become a breakfast person myself. My main focus with Millie's meals is the nutrients she's getting. Enter Green Smoothies! Packed full of nutrients, easy to make, and filling for both baby and mommy. The recipe is easy peasy:

My Classic Morning Green Smoothie

16 oz of unsweetened almond milk

1 heaping handful of spinach

1 banana

1 tbsp almond butter

1. Add almond milk to blender, followed by remaining ingredients

2. Blend

This recipe yields an 11 oz serving for momma and 5 oz for babe

Two things to note: I do consume some dairy but prefer almond milk or dairy-free milks. I've been using Vega protein powder for a long time but other brands are great too.

My go to recipe is super easy and the flavours are simple and yummy. There are two recipes in particular that I also LOVE from two of my favourite cookbooks/apps:

1. "Poppy's Chocolate Green Smoothie" from It all Begins with Food by Leah Garrad-Cole, founder of Love Child Organics

2. "In the Buff Smoothie Bowl" from Oh She Glows

Both are PACKED with amazing, nutrient dense foods that keep you full and your taste buds happy. I haven't tried either with Amelia (she's a traditionalist right now :P) but definitely will be soon.

As a new mom trying to figure what to feed my family that is yummy, healthy, and easy was a big question. I envisioned making three different meals, only to be rejected, squashing my love of cooking. Wow, a little negative on my part. BUT I bought It All Begins with Food when Amelia was beginning solids and have had nothing but positive responses from my family, Amelia included. Two thumbs up! Grab a copy!

So that's breakfast in our house these days. I'm thinking I may write about what Amelia's day looks like in the future.

Happy smoothie making!!

It's simple. I'm a mom, a wife, and a lifelong learner. I am an expert at nothing but am always in pursuit of deeper knowledge. As a mom, that's been no different. I want to share, learn, and explore life with my family in Niagara. 


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